Sep 22, 2014

Holy Glitter Zine
Hello there, my lovelies!
Finally, finally, finally! I've been talking about my idea to start a very own online zine for months now and FINALLY, I've started it! The actual zine isn't there yet (obviously), but I created all kind of social media for Holy Glitter Zine and I already have some people who would love to participate in creating articles, drawings, photographs etc. for the zine. Gotta love other creative souls ❤

 The theme of the first issue will be...

Imagine everything kitschy, sparkles everywhere, magical toys, creatures that you wish would exist, cute stories, magical places to visit, songs which lead you to your own fantasyworld etc. etc.
In short: everything that is kitschy AND magical a.k.a. the most girly teenageworld you've ever thought of! I'm so excited and I've got SO many ideas... My intention is to create a little zine with about ten-paged issues, but with all the ideas that are floating in my mind, I guess it will end up being more of a yearbook hihi ^o^
Also, I would love to have an online shop with items that'll match the atmosphere of the zine. So I already started creating many many items for the shop, so I guess that the Holy Glitter Shop will open soon too! Oh my, so much excitement!

Anyway, I would loooove to hear your thoughts about Kitschy Magic. What would YOU love to see in an issue like that? Tell me your sweetest ideas and ofcourse, everyone can participate. In fact, I would love that! ❤❤Please e-mail me then~!❤❤

 And if you'd like to follow/like HGZ on any social media, please be my guest (click on the buttons to go there). See you soon xxx

Sep 1, 2014

I guess it's obvious what this post will be about... I have to admit: I am, and always have been, a great MLP fan. I played with them when I was a little child (the ponies of the 1st generation, that is), I watched all the animated movies and loved them with all my heart. I'm a 90's kid, so I grew up with them and every Christmas, I knew a shiny, new pony would smile at me when I had unwrapped it. It's great that MLP still exists, though I don't really like their latest generation of ponies. I liked the chubbiness and the dreamy eyes of the 1st generation more. Anyway, the last two years, my interest in MLP has freshened again. I started collecting them again (I didn't keep ANY of my old ponies, such a shame....*crying silently*) by asking friends and luckily some of them still had a 1st generation pony for me. When going to a thrift shop my heart always pounds when going to the toy section, hoping there will be a little pony waiting for me... Unfortunately, the greatest part of the world knows that these ponies are some kind of vintage now and rather expensive when you want to collect them. I've been lucky a few times to find some ponies in a thrift shop, but I guess those were really blessed moments... Right now I have about ten little darlings, most of them are of the 1st generation, the others are from later generations. In this post I would like to show the most beautiful ponies I have, since I'm just so proud of them! (I know an almost-20-year-old shouldn't get too excited about things like toys, but I guess my Peter Pan Syndrome is to blame here).

These four are my absolute babies. I mean: LOOK AT THEM! When you look into those gentle eyes, try remembering your younger days filled with tattoo chokers and Spice Girls music... I was very lucky when I found the two dearies in the middle in a thrift shop. They were all dirty and discarded, so when I got home that day I washed them thoroughly and now they shine again! The outer two I got from a very kind friend who decided she could miss two of her own childhood friends :)

I know this one isn't exactly a 1st geneariotion MLP, but I just worship her so much, because she's such a pretty! I found her at a thrift shop too and at first I even doubted if she was a real MLP. I still don't know for sure, but I DO know that I love the fact that when you press the star-shaped button on her chest, she blinks at you and her horn and cape start to glow with light *o*. How amazing is that?! Besides that, I love that her face is covered in glitter and that her hair even sparkles. She can never outdo my 1st generation ponies, but she's getting really close...

If you have any interest in MLP (the old generations, or the new generations, it's all good by me!), please let me know. Or if you just remembered the care-free days spending your days with these beauties, please tell me your story. I would love to hear .(One thing I like about the new generation ponies is their statement "Friendship is Magic").