Jan 14, 2015

2015, here we go!

Happy New 2015 everyone! I hope you all had a few wonderful festive days at the end of December, I sure had. The last few weeks I was busy finishing my internship (at a company that developes craft supplies, how cool!) and ofcourse, I was working on the first issue of Holy Glitter Zine. The first issue, Kitschy Magic, is out now, yaaaaay!! Take a look at it here!! I'm so proud of it, it's my little sweetheart :) And oh boy, there were 10 lovely contributors who all sent photo series, artwork and poems! That was so wonderful :)

Anyway, since it's a new year, I decided to set some new goals for myself. It's not something I normally do, but since I don't like resolutions, I thought this was a neat way to start 2015 :) I made it a fun list, but I wrote it in Dutch, so here are my goals for this year in English:

publish at least two issues of Holy Glitter Zine
create a personal website (using programming)
open the Holy Glitter Shop (with selfmade goodies!)
write a story (just for myself, no one else has to read it)
finish at least reading 10 books this year


  1. good luck with all your resolutions! happy new year c:


  2. I love these resolutions so much! Congratz on the zine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

